Acupuncture has been very successful to quit smoking. It works by removing the liver’s need for nicotine.

The well-known dangers associated with smoking, such as cancer, heart disease and glaucoma have made people aware of the need to quit. Yet many still find this difficult to do because of severe withdrawal symptoms. Acupuncture works by removing the liver’s need for nicotine. Sound unbelievable? Read on.

When you inhale a cigarette, nicotine goes into your lungs. Some nicotine also goes into your body and is metabolized by your liver. The liver has been cleaning all the nicotine that entered your body for years. You now decide: This is it. I quit smoking. I will not have another cigarette. But the liver continues to ask, "Where’s my nicotine?"

After being denied the nicotine, the liver sends signals to the body autonomic nervous system resulting in anxiety and a nervous withdrawal reaction.

A panic reaction results. Your heart races, you are irritable and you finally cave in and grab another cigarette. Nicotine gets back into the body and the liver says, "Thank You!" The nervous reaction is shut off and you feel calm.

To remove this addiction we must erase the liver’s memory. How is all this accomplished? By treating the outer ear. The ear has connections to your liver, lungs, mouth, pancreas and many other parts of your body via your brain.

Both ears are touched at five select points for ten seconds with tiny needles. A very small amount of electricity is sent through these spots via the brain to the organs involved. There is a slight tingling sensation during the treatment but no pain.

To enhance the treatment a small Chinese seed or tack needle is placed on your left ear and falls off by itself in two days. (This acts like a disc antenna and allows electromagnetism from your TV, car motor, and other electrical sources to stimulate this spot and send a calming message to your liver.)

You leave the office feeling calm and relaxed. Patients usually won’t crave food since we also we treat the pancreas point that prevents overeating.

You are finally introduce to a wake up exercise that eliminates the mental thinking about cigarettes. Tests were done initially with a computerized machine to locate areas of low electrical potentials to ensure that the points are accurate.

Finally, a test developed by Dr. Omura determines if all the nicotine in your body has been altered with the acupuncture treatment. If you don’t pass the Omura test we will touch two or three more sites to complete the nicotine erasure.

You don’t leave the office until you pass the Omura test and we are assured that all the nicotine in your body has been altered. with the acupuncture treatment. If you don’t pass the Omura test we will touch two or three more sites to complete the nicotine erasure. Rate of success after one year approaches 90%.


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