Modern methods have changed how acupuncture is delivered today. In the United States more and more practitioners are now developing knowledge and new skills in acupuncture. Many are incorporating all the modalities from the various countries, using hand, ear, Chinese, Japanese and scalp acupuncture
Qi (electromagnetic energy) travels through channels of energy in the body (like rivers). These rivers of energy are called meridians. There are 14 such channels: twelve from the hands and feet, one in the center on the front of the body and one in the center on the back of the body.
ACUPUNCTURE POINTS are areas in the skin where these rivers of energy come closest to the body surface. These points are opened and closed to adjust the circulation in the channels, and release toxins from them . These points are also storage areas for cortisone, testosterone, estrogen, and a number of hormones. When these points are stimulated with acupuncture, hormones are released and the acupuncture points decrease in size. Very tiny solid stainless steel needles are inserted into these points to accomplish this.
Most patients only feel a sensation of a small pinch, followed by a comfortable warmness. Relief of symptoms and increased energy occur within 48 hours after treatment. Needles are left in for 20-30 minutes.

In America there are about 8000 acupuncturists. 16 acupuncture schools, and 2 medical schools teaching acupuncture. UCLA medical school has been teaching acupuncture to physicians under the leadership of Dr.Joseph Helms. In 18 states, only doctors can perform acupuncture. Border states like Florida, California, and New York allow non physicians to perform acupuncture.All require licensing.
An organization the American Academy Of Medical Acupuncture (AAMA) based in California, has a membership of nearly 1000 physician members from the entire country. All physicians who are members must have been previously accredited by formal training and certification. About 25% of these physicians work in pain centers around America.
In Europe oriental medical research is very active and quite advanced. Spain has an acupuncture school called Golden Clover. Germany, Austria and Italy all have very strong and active acupuncture centers. England has no organized acupuncture medical activity but there is a British Medical Acupuncture society which is quite active. France has pioneered ear acupuncture through its famous center in Lyounder the leadership of Dr. Nogier (he recently died)
In these countries there are some 232,000 traditional Chinese medical doctors and 50 institutes producing 30,000 traditional Chinese medical doctors annually. Korea has developed very effective hand acupuncture which compliments other acupuncture modalities.Russia since the end of the cold war has revealed research done behind the iron curtain that has contributed to sonic reflexolgy treatments today.
Japan has junior colleges of acupuncture. There are 8500 Japanese doctors in the Oriental Medical Association developing methodology in acupuncture to compliment western medicine.

As you see, acupuncture is practiced worldwide. In the United States more and more practitioners are now developing knowledge and new skills in acupuncture. Many are incorporating all the modalities from the various countries, using hand, ear, Chinese, Japanese and scalp acupuncture along with Russian reflexology and adapting these techniques to the modern times with use of modern technology to produce what is now called American Acupuncture.
In 1996 in America, needles were removed from the "investigative" category to "accepted medical instruments". Being investigative, allowed insurance companies to deny payment for medical acupuncture treatment. There is a bill before congress with 12 sponsors to allow Medicare to pay for acupuncture treatments. The National Institute of Health for the first time has formed a department of Alternative Health care to provide needed research funding in alternative avenues of medical care.
Times are changing and American Acupuncture is alive and well!

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